Monday, 3 July 2017

Case of carrying school student's dead body on push cart : Chief Minister takes matter into serious consideration

Instructions to make necessary improvements in the system of hospital
Raipur, 3 July 2017
Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh has seriously considered the incident of father carrying his daughter's dead body on push cart to bus stand, as medical college hospital of Rajnandgaon fails to provide hearse. He directed the Rajnandgaon district administration to review the system of medical college hospital and make necessary improvements in the facilities. Dr Singh said that Dr Singh has initiated Muktanjali scheme, under which government hospitals have been allotted 60 hearse ambulances, so that the dead bodies can be respectfully transported to their houses free of cost. Besides, Jeevan Deep committees have also been engaged with public participation in government district hospitals and community health centres. Patients are provided basic facilities through these committees. Chief Minister has also directed all the district collectors to regularly review the work and management of government hospitals, and also to ensure that the meetings of jeevan deep committees are regularly organized. Taking the matter into serious consideration immediately, Collector of Rajnandgaon called meeting of the officials concerned. He ordered SDM to ensure detailed investigation of the matter and appointed a deputy collector to continuously monitor the quality of services provided at medical college 

प्रदेश को ग्यारह नवोदय विद्यालयों की नई सौगात : मुख्यमंत्री आज करेंगे आधा दर्जन नवोदय विद्यालयों का शुभारंभ

रायपुर, 13 जुलाई 2017 प्रदेश को ग्यारह नवोदय विद्यालयों की नई सौगात मिली है।  मुख्यमंत्री डॉ. रमन सिंह कल 14 जुलाई को बालोद जिले के प्...