Friday, 12 May 2017

Raipur : 86, 000 youth got employment,skills up-gradation free of charges : 3.40 lakh youth trained in various vocations

Raipur, 12 May 2017

The State Government had been operating several projects for upgrading the skills of youth. The youth are becoming self-reliant by taking full advantage of the several schemes launched by the State Government. The youth are being trained under the Chief Minister Skills' Up-gradation Project as per their interests and demands in the job market. Loans are offered at reasonable rates of interests and subsidies are also given. Technical Education, Skills' Up-gradation and Employment Department officials said that the project had been launched around three-and- half- years- ago and 3 lakh 7 thousand 912 youth had been trained in several trades. Similarly 33 thousand youth had been trained at Livelihood Colleges in all the 27 districts in short-term courses. About 86 thousand youth had been provided employment or self-employment. The Livelihood Colleges provide free training -cum-boarding facilities to youth. The target is to train 27 candidates in the fiscal 2017-2018. Youth who have passed fifth-eighth standards are also being trained in various trades.


प्रदेश को ग्यारह नवोदय विद्यालयों की नई सौगात : मुख्यमंत्री आज करेंगे आधा दर्जन नवोदय विद्यालयों का शुभारंभ

रायपुर, 13 जुलाई 2017 प्रदेश को ग्यारह नवोदय विद्यालयों की नई सौगात मिली है।  मुख्यमंत्री डॉ. रमन सिंह कल 14 जुलाई को बालोद जिले के प्...