Friday, 2 June 2017

Raipur : Give detailed account of fly-ash, Rajesh Munat calls upon thermal power stations

 Better co-ordination needed between producer
                                             and consumer : Justice Dalip Singh
Raipur, 02 May 2017

Environment Minister Mr. Rajesh Munat today said that coal-based thermal power stations should give a detailed account of fly-ash and submit master plan of usage of it every year. Union Government, State Government and industries should work in tandem and prepare a master plan in a time-bound manner. He was addressing a conference on 'Coal -based thermal power stations' fly-ash usage'. He inaugurated the conference.
National Green Tribunal (N.G.T.)  Central Zonal branch Bhopal Tribunal member Justice Mr. Dalip Singh presided over the conference. Mr. Munat said that only 35 per cent of the fly-ash produced is being utilized for productive purposes. Effective steps should be taken to make total usage of it. He added that 20 lakh houses will be built under the Prime Minister Housing Project. Fly-ash can be used in the construction of houses. Directives had already been issued in the matter regarding the usage of fly-ash bricks in the State Government developmental projects. The bricks can be utilized in various developmental works in the villages which can help create employment opportunities to youth. He welcomed the conference held by National Green Tribunal to hammer out a solution of such an important issue of public importance.
Justice Mr. Dalip Singh said that a paper on 'Raipur Declaration' should be released. Master plan should implemented upon the cent per cent utilization of fly-ash. He called upon Research and Development (R-D) in fly-ash for improving the environment. Mr. Singh said there  should be better and closer co-ordination between the producer and consumer of fly-ash. He appreciated the efforts of State Government in holding the conference .
Environment Department Secretary Mr. Sanjay Shukla said that  there are 76 thermal power stations in Chhattisgarh which emanate 3.5 crore ton fly-ash every year.

999/ Solanki/Pradeep

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