Monday, 10 July 2017

Raipur : Law Department Additional Secretary A. K. Singhal given warm farewell

Raipur  , 10 July 2017

Law Department Additional Secretary Mr. A. K . Singhal today was accorded a warm send-off on being transferred to Bemetara. Mr. Singhal has been promoted- transferred to Bemetara as District and Sessions Judge. In a farewell function accorded to him at Mantralaya (Mahanadi Bhawan) Department's Principal Secretary Mr. Ravishankar Sharma presented him a shawl, coconut and a memento. He said Mr. Singhal had left behind an enduring legacy which should be emulated by all concerned. He was given the responsibility of new district. Mr. Sharma added that Mr. Singhal will work with new ideas and help the common masses. He wished him a bright future.    

1519/Kashi/ Pradeep


प्रदेश को ग्यारह नवोदय विद्यालयों की नई सौगात : मुख्यमंत्री आज करेंगे आधा दर्जन नवोदय विद्यालयों का शुभारंभ

रायपुर, 13 जुलाई 2017 प्रदेश को ग्यारह नवोदय विद्यालयों की नई सौगात मिली है।  मुख्यमंत्री डॉ. रमन सिंह कल 14 जुलाई को बालोद जिले के प्...