Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Raipur : Chief Secretary pays visit to ration shop, reviews Core PDS system : 35, 000 consumers take rations in three days

Raipur, 04 July 2017


 Chief Secretary Mr. Vivek Dhand today visited the public distribution system ration shop located at Rajatalab in the capital. He reviewed the functioning of the shop, Online Core PDS 'Meri-Marji' set-up. He enquired about the facilities with the women who visited the shop for their quota of rations. He inquired the timings of the opening of the shop, storing of ration material and quality of rice. The ration shop is being run by Preena Community Development Samiti. Food Department Secretary Mrs. Richa Sharma was also present.

Chhattisgarh State Government had been operating 484 ration shops in Raipur, Durg, Bhilai, Bilaspur and Dhamtari districts under the Core PDS 'Meri-Marji' launched on 1 July. Ration card-holder can collect material from any shop in the district. Aadhaar card number had been linked with the ration card. About 35, 000 card holders had collected ration material in the last three days in these five districts.
Mr. Dhand instructed the District Collector Mr. O. P. Chowdhary to sanction construction of buildings for the ration shops operating in rented buildings.  


प्रदेश को ग्यारह नवोदय विद्यालयों की नई सौगात : मुख्यमंत्री आज करेंगे आधा दर्जन नवोदय विद्यालयों का शुभारंभ

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